Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dermatology Follow-up.

I saw my dermatologist last week for a follow-up visit, she wanted to know how the prescription was working. Not GREAT I told her. The Clobetasol helped with the scabbing but the TSal did not help with the itching! Blah.

So she prescribed another 2 treatments. Clobex Shampoo which is an odd liquid. I have to apply it to a dry scalp, leave in for 15 minutes, then lather and rinse.

I am currently using Derma-Smoothe/FS (Scalp Oil). I have to wet my hair then add this thick oil to my scalp, cover my hair with a shower cap and fall asleep. Again it's a thick oil so I have to wash a few times to get the grease out. Rinse repeat for 2 weeks, EVERY NIGHT. I am on night no. 3 tonight. I am still itching but the scales and scabs are going away.

If these treatments fail, there is one last option. Some kind of pill, which I have to say scares me and would not take! I am not one for over medicating oneself.

Please pray for me that all of this works well!

1 comment:

Lacy said...

You will be in my prayers. I hope it all heals up quickly.