Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I love the above picture a whole lot. Ever since I saw it on WWTDD.Com I mean look at his face? He really means that flip, doesn't he?

I feel a whole lot better today. All the meds are working. YAY! Thanks for all the well wishes!

AM Run:
4 miles / 44:13 min
11:03 AVG


Viv said...

Ahh good your feeling better...That guy's pic it too much. He looks like an asshole to me.

Yasmin said...

Viv, I am disappointed with you. "that man" is the wonderful Steve Guttenburg of Cocoon, Short Circut and the Police Academy movies...

It's an awesome picture, Elysia. I love that I only remember him as a funny, nice guy, like most of his characters...