Thursday, May 10, 2012


DAVE RAMSEY! I am a compulsive spender, I admit it! I like the feeling of buying things that I think I need. As I near the 35 year mark of this life of mine, my husband has finally gotten through my thick skull "Do we want to go into our 40's with DEBT?"

Times are tough for everyone around us. These could be seen as first world problems. I get it, my debt does not hold a torch to those who are losing their homes, can't feed their families,and just recently, not being able to achieve the basic civil rights any human being should have.

I have read Financial Peace and I am totally on board with the Debt Snowball. It's interesting how much happiness this book has brought me, in the short time that it took me to read it. I find myself giddy, instead of overwhelmed, when I look at our financial spreadsheet. Odd.

Lets talk about our DEBT. Getting back to the obsession, I have been listening to all things Dave Ramsey, and compared to a whole hell of a lot of his listeners, our DEBT is miniscule! We have about $25k of Debt (not including our mortgage). $10K is a line of credit we opened to pay off old debt, yeah, what good that did us. Whatever, it is what it is.

Let's talk the Shaytards. I have been watching them on YouTube for about 2 years now. And I had no idea they went through Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover, until last year. Here is their Debt Free Story. They paid off about $95K of debt in the span of 4 years! AMAZING!

Our Debt free journey has begun, and Gary's mantra is "All Money In, No Money Out" he's a N.E.R.D.! 

I will try and update here as our Debt dwindles, we were hoping to have it gone within 18-24 months. 

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