Thursday, April 3, 2008

It was supposed to be...

75 degrees today.....Uhm I think not. It was a chilly day of about 50. I packed my new dry-fit tank into my gym bag, so i was not prepared to run outside in this weather, I did the 5 miler on the TM. I am irritated cuz the Building management peeps still have not fixed the CNN channel. The only channel that comes in, everything else is filled with snow. Getting real tired of watching Cops and Cheaters, and sometimes even Maury.

I remember when I first started running, I would start at 4.3..ha ha ha, now I warm up on 5.0 and continue at 5.5. Not a big leap but for this fat chick, it's a big accomplishment.

Today we also had our March of Dimes fund raising lunch, but since I needed to get this run in, I had to skip it. Blah..

And what a dope, I totally forgot to pick up my race packet yesterday, so I have to go tomorrow. Tomorrow is the pasta dinner sponsored by the event, but I already promised my TIF group that we would join them at our monthly play date. Oh well.

Just hoping and praying the weather cooperates on Saturday, if not I will be disappointed!


Viv said...

Still sending great weather vibes ur way, mujer!!

I can not wait to hear all about your 1/2!

5.5 is sweet, nothing to sneeze at, 4 sho...

Lesley Looper said...

Good luck on the race tomorrow! You'll do great!

Tammy said...

50 degrees is perfect for running in shorts and a tank! You must be spoiled with warm weather...

Can't wait to read about how your race went!