Monday, June 16, 2008

So I survived....

Race for the Cure, and let me tell you why I SURVIVED. So I totally forgot that I hatched a little get together for my favorite gay co-worker, it was his Bday a few months back, and this was the only time "we" were all here. I planned it for last Friday, not thinking about the Komen race at all.

Ah, so I told myself, I will have a few glasses of wine and bring some fish so I can have a good meal, because I was not going to get home till late and thus little sleep.

Well I had to go home to let my friends dog out (I was watching the house and dog while they were in CA), then I had to go the the grocery store, pick up the twins and wait for Gary to get home.

Finally get out of the HS at 5:45 (party started at 6PM) arrive at Courtney's (no time to pick up fish dinner) and make all the food I brought. I OINKED out on everything, as we all did! And started with a few corona's which led to Ta-kill-ya shots. Aye!

It was soooooooooooooooo much fun though! I headed home around 11:30, and fell asleep around 12:30.

DID NOT HEAR MY ALARM! I woke up at 6:08 (race starts at 7AM), Shit. Fucking. Bitch, I was soooo mad, tired and hung the fuck over. I get dressed quick, threw the shoes in my racing bag, and proceeded to drive 95 MPH to Meredith College. I call my friend, and she was just leaving her house (she lives minutes from Meredith).

As I arrive, I noticed I forgot my bib and the watch portion of my Polar F4. Fuck.Shit.Bitch.
I called my neighbor, who volunteers, and she said it was no problem to get a replacement bib.
Park the car behind the waffle house across the street from Meredith. As I am jogging to the registration, my CROCS get caught on some barbwire, Fuck.Shit.Bitch that hurt like no other.

Did I mention I also forgot deodorant? Gross.

So I finally get all settled and find my friend, then I found my neighbor so she could hold my bag. We get into line, and finally at 7AM we are off. I took us 3 minutes to get over the START line and even then there was tons of congestion. I mean if you are going to fucking walk, enter into the woman only portion or the family 5K, there were a ton of walkers and the race was only into the first 5 minutes.

I totally forgot there were 4 steep hills in the course, Fuck. Shit. Bitch. I paced us fast because my head was pounding and I wanted to get it over with. Savannah was doing extremely well and as soon as we hit 2.5 miles I was suckin' wind. I took one small walk break, and caught up to her, but the last ginormous hill, took it all out of me, I was staggerin', she finished about 1 minute (31:43) ahead of me.

I clocked in at 32:41, not only is it a race PR for me, (this is the first race I ever ran, I finished in 37:57) it is my fastest 5K ever. Holy shit, I can only imagine if I wasn't tired, hungover, and dehydrated, how the race would have turned out.

And man did I stink. That wicking fabric holds the stank-on-ya! For reals!


Teresa said...

Great job Elysia!

Viv said...

Man, I thought this was going to turn into a fuck, shit, fuck race report, but hell you pulled a hella PR. Fuch shit bitch you rock!!